All Stories

  1. On the initiation of lightning in thunderclouds
  2. Rheological properties of poppy seed paste/grape pekmez blends
  3. Microeconomics with Spreadsheets
  4. Repeated dose of ketamine effect to the rat hippocampus tissue
  5. Hardening Azure Applications
  6. Comparação de traqueotomia percutânea precoce e tardia em unidade de terapia intensiva para adultos
  7. Tackling Whiteness in organizations and management
  8. The Role of Pain Catastrophizing Score in the Prediction of Venipuncture Pain Severity
  9. Evaluation of effects of repeated sevoflurane exposure on rat testicular tissue and reproductive hormones
  10. The effectiveness of steroids for edema, ecchymosis, and intraoperative bleeding in rhinoplasty
  11. Input-output model /
  12. Industrial Ecological Solutions
  13. Beam Tail Measurements using Wire Scanners at DESY
  14. Objektorientierte Programmierung
  15. Methodik und Ziele der Analyse
  16. Unfallentwicklung
  17. Schlußfolgerung
  18. Zusammenfassung
  19. Der Fahrradunfall
  20. Nachbehandlungsrichtlinien bei Frakturen mit schwerem Weichteilschaden
  21. Untersuchungen an Bohrmaschinen
  22. Untersuchungen an Bohrmaschinen
  23. 2. Der Reim in den mekkanischen Suren
  24. Perspectives on industrial ecology
  25. AgTech: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth