All Stories

  1. Problematic smartphone use and academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Exploring the differentiated relationship between body-, eating-, and exercise-related social comparisons and depressive symptoms among adolescents
  3. Effects of Pubertal Timing and Pubertal Tempo on Social Physique Anxiety, Self-determined Motivation, and Exercise in Early Adolescent Girls
  4. Social physical anxiety and eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  5. A longitudinal evaluation of a biopsychosocial model predicting BMI and disordered eating among young adults
  6. An exploratory examination of the relationship between harmonious and obsessive passion and specific symptoms of exercise dependence
  7. Psychometric Examination of the Body, Eating, and Exercise Comparison Orientation Measure (BEECOM) among Spanish Adolescents and Young Adults
  8. Sociocultural pressures towards the thin and mesomorphic body ideals and their impact on the eating and exercise-related body change strategies of early adolescents: a longitudinal study
  9. Gender-related differences in self-reported problematic exercise symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  10. Basic psychological need frustration scale: Adaptation and validation to active commuting to school in Spanish children and adolescents
  11. Measurement Invariance of the Exercise Addiction Inventory According to Eating Disorder Risk Status
  12. Psychometric properties of problematic exercise measures: a systematic review
  13. A survey of eating styles in eight countries: Examining restrained, emotional, intuitive eating and their correlates
  14. Examining the reliability of the scores of self-report instruments assessing problematic exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  15. Influencia de los contenidos de meta sobre la intención de práctica de ejercicio físico en adolescentes: La importancia de aspirar a desarrollar habilidades
  16. A Review of the Components of Problematic Exercise in Psychometric Assessment Instruments
  17. Testing of a model for risk factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: Baseline evaluation
  18. Supervised Exercise Immediately After Bariatric Surgery: the Study Protocol of the EFIBAR Randomized Controlled Trial
  19. Internalization of body shape ideals and body dissatisfaction: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  20. Theoretical conceptualisations of problematic exercise in psychometric assessment instruments: A systematic review
  21. Efectos de un Programa Breve de Entrenamiento Psicológico y Mindfulness sobre el Rendimiento Psicológico de Jugadoras de Voleibol sub-16
  22. Is the instructional style of teacher educators related to the teaching intention of pre-service teachers? A Self-Determination Theory perspective-based analysis
  23. Body and appearance-related self-conscious emotions and exercise addiction in Brazilian adolescents: A person-centred study
  24. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Relationship between Body Dissatisfaction and Morbid Exercise Behaviour
  25. An Exploratory Examination of the Relationship Between Symptoms of Depression and Exercise Addiction Among Undergraduate Recreational Exercisers
  26. Cross-Country Measurement Invariance and Effects of Sociodemographic Factors on Body Weight and Shape Concern-Related Constructs in Eight Countries
  27. Measuring perfectionism, impulsivity, self-esteem and social anxiety: Cross-national study in emerging adults from eight countries
  28. A cross-country examination of emotional eating, restrained eating and intuitive eating: Measurement Invariance across eight countries
  29. Psychometric properties of measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of appearance ideals across eight countries
  30. Assessing positive body image, body satisfaction, weight bias, and appearance comparison in emerging adults: A cross-validation study across eight countries
  31. Motivation and physical activity levels in bariatric patients involved in a self-determination theory-based physical activity program
  32. Does the level of effort during resistance training influence arterial stiffness and blood pressure in young healthy adults?
  33. Psychometrics of the Spanish body-related self-conscious emotions fitness instrument
  34. Latent profile analysis of exercise addiction symptoms in Brazilian adolescents: Association with health-related variables
  35. Examining the role of social physique anxiety on the relationship between physical appearance comparisons and disordered eating symptoms among Spanish emerging adults
  36. Parents’ and Peers’ Autonomy Support and Exercise Intention for Adolescents: Integrating Social Factors from the Self-Determination Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour
  37. Morbid exercise behaviour and eating disorders: A meta-analysis
  38. Fitness-Related Self-Conscious Emotions and Risk for Exercise Addiction: Examining the Mediating Role of Passion
  39. Changes in Bariatric Patients’ Physical Activity Levels and Health-Related Quality of Life Following a Postoperative Motivational Physical Activity Intervention
  40. Physical appearance comparisons and symptoms of disordered eating: The mediating role of social physique anxiety in Spanish adolescents
  41. Analysis of the dynamic relationship between social physique anxiety and depressive symptoms in young adults
  42. Examining the associations between the Big Five personality traits and body self‐conscious emotions
  43. Development and testing of a model for risk and protective factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: A study protocol
  44. Efectos del contenido de meta docente y la regulación motivacional académica sobre la creencia de eficacia docente del profesorado en formación inicial
  45. The Development of the Internalization of Sociocultural Body Ideals Scale Using Items From the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire: Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Invariance Testing
  46. Exploring the differentiated relationship between appearance and fitness‐related social anxiety and the risk of eating disorders and depression in young adults
  47. Examining the relationship between fitness-related self-conscious emotions, disordered eating symptoms, and morbid exercise behavior: An exploratory study
  48. Influence of Body Composition on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Adults: Healthy UAL Cross-Sectional Study
  49. Psychometric Properties of the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS) in Spanish Preadolescents
  51. Psychometric properties of the body and appearance self-conscious emotions scale in Brazilian adolescents
  52. Exercise motivational regulations and exercise addiction: The mediating role of passion
  53. Psychometric evaluation and sex invariance of the Spanish version of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale
  54. Psychometry of the Teacher's Sense of Efficacy Scale in Spanish Teachers' Education
  55. Exercise Addiction: Preliminary Evidence on the Role of Psychological Inflexibility
  56. Analysis of Sociocultural Stereotypes Towards Thin Body and Muscular Body: Differences According to Gender and Weight Discrepancy
  57. Examining the psychometric properties of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 in Brazilian adolescents
  58. Comparación social de la apariencia en contextos de ejercicio físico como variable predictora de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en adolescentes de ambos sexos
  59. Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Cuestionario de Contenido de Metas en el Ejercicio
  60. Propiedades Psicométricas del Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI) en una Muestra de Estudiantes Brasileños Universitarios
  61. Validación y adaptación española de la escala de resiliencia en el contexto deportivo (ERCD)
  62. Revisión de la Escala de Motivación Educativa. Inclusión de la Regulación Integrada para Medir la Motivación en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado
  63. Effects of resistance training on performance in previously trained endurance runners: A systematic review
  64. Efectos de la satisfacción y frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas sobre las formas de pasión por el ejercicio
  65. Influence of Goal Contents on Exercise Addiction: Analysing the Mediating Effect of Passion for Exercise
  66. Social Physique Anxiety, Mental Health, and Exercise: Analyzing the Role of Basic Psychological Needs and Psychological Inflexibility