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  1. Mercury mobilization in shrubland after a prescribed fire in NE Portugal: Insight on soil organic matter composition and different aggregate size
  2. Soil Abandonment as a Trigger for Changes in Zn Fractionation in Afforested Former Vineyard Acidic Soils
  3. Variation of Hg concentration and accumulation in the soil of maritime pine plantations along a coast-inland transect in SW Europe
  4. Mercury Content and Pools in Complex Polycyclic Soils From a Mountainous Area in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula)
  5. Mercury in a birch forest in SW Europe: Deposition flux by litterfall and pools in aboveground tree biomass and soils
  6. Needle age and precipitation as drivers of Hg accumulation and deposition in coniferous forests from a southwestern European Atlantic region
  7. Changes in Cu accumulation and fractionation along soil depth in acid soils of vineyards and abandoned vineyards (now forests)
  8. The role of afforestation species as a driver of Hg accumulation in organic horizons of forest soils from a Mediterranean mountain area in SW Europe
  9. Patterning total mercury distribution in coastal podzolic soils from an Atlantic area: Influence of pedogenetic processes and soil components
  10. Soil properties influencing Hg vertical pattern in temperate forest podzols
  11. Comparing podzolization under different bioclimatic conditions
  12. Quality changes of fluvial sediments impacted by urban effluents in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, southernmost Patagonia
  13. Litterfall Hg deposition to an oak forest soil from southwestern Europe
  14. Modelling Hg mobility in podzols: Role of soil components and environmental implications
  15. Mercury accumulation in soil fractions of podzols from two contrasted geographical temperate areas: southwest Europe and southernmost America
  16. Introducing Students to Remediation of Polluted Soils: Influence of Waste-Based Amendments on Cd Extractability
  17. Competitive adsorption/desorption of tetracycline, oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline on pine bark, oak ash and mussel shell
  18. Pedotransfer functions to estimate the adsorption and desorption of sulfadiazine in agricultural soils
  19. Chromium VI and Fluoride Competitive Adsorption on Different Soils and By-Products
  20. Experimental data and model prediction of tetracycline adsorption and desorption in agricultural soils
  21. Copper and zinc in rhizospheric soil of wild plants growing in long-term acid vineyard soils. Insights on availability and metal remediation
  22. Experimental data and modeling for sulfachloropyridazine and sulfamethazine adsorption/desorption on agricultural acid soils
  23. Effects of Microbiological and Non-Microbiological Treatments of Sewage Sludge on Antibiotics as Emerging Pollutants Present in Wastewater
  24. Degradation of sulfadiazine, sulfachloropyridazine and sulfamethazine in aqueous media
  25. Editorial: New Findings on the Use of Biosorbents and Technically-Based Sorbents to Control Soil and Water Pollution
  26. Occurrence of tetracyclines and sulfonamides in manures, agricultural soils and crops from different areas in Galicia (NW Spain)
  27. Chromium and fluoride sorption/desorption on un-amended and waste-amended forest and vineyard soils and pyritic material
  28. Biotic and abiotic dissipation of tetracyclines using simulated sunlight and in the dark
  29. Controlling risks of P water pollution by sorption on soils, pyritic material, granitic material, and different by-products: effects of pH and incubation time
  30. By-products as an amendment of a mine soil: effects on microbial biomass determined using phospholipid fatty acids
  31. Total mercury distribution among soil aggregate size fractions in a temperate forest podzol
  32. Effects of Changing pH, Incubation Time, and As(V) Competition, on F− Retention on Soils, Natural Adsorbents, By-Products, and Waste Materials
  33. Using pine bark and mussel shell amendments to reclaim microbial functions in a Cu polluted acid mine soil
  34. Retention and transport of mecoprop on acid sandy-loam soils
  35. Cadmium and Lead Sorption/Desorption on Non-Amended and By-Product-Amended Soil Samples and Pyritic Material
  36. Modification of chemical properties, Cu fractionation and enzymatic activities in an acid vineyard soil amended with winery wastes: A field study
  37. Nitrogen mineralization dynamics in acid vineyard soils amended with bentonite winery waste
  38. Tracing Pb Pollution Penetration in Temperate Podzols
  39. Wheat Straw as a Bio-Sorbent for Arsenate, Chromate, Fluoride, and Nickel
  40. Carbon mineralization in acidic soils amended with an organo-mineral bentonite waste
  41. As(V) Sorption/Desorption on Different Waste Materials and Soil Samples
  42. Pine Bark Amendment to Promote Sustainability in Cu-Polluted Acid Soils: Effects on Lolium perenne Growth and Cu Uptake
  43. Is the Total Concentration of a Heavy Metal in Soil a Suitable Tool for Assessing the Environmental Risk? Considering the Case of Copper
  44. Heavy metals fractionation and desorption in pine bark amended mine soils
  45. Retention of quaternary ammonium herbicides by acid vineyard soils with different organic matter and Cu contents
  46. Removal of anionic pollutants by pine bark is influenced by the mechanism of retention
  47. Cu Immobilization and Lolium perenne Development in an Acid Vineyard Soil Amended with Crushed Mussel Shell
  48. Competitive and non-competitive cadmium, copper and lead sorption/desorption on wheat straw affecting sustainability in vineyards
  49. Phosphorus removal from wastewater using mussel shell: Investigation on retention mechanisms
  50. As(V)/Cr(VI) retention on un-amended and waste-amended soil samples: competitive experiments
  51. Phosphorus retention on forest and vineyard soil samples, mussel shell, pine-sawdust, and on pyritic, granitic and waste materials
  52. Promoting sustainability in the mussel industry: mussel shell recycling to fight fluoride pollution
  53. Valorization of biosorbent obtained from a forestry waste: Competitive adsorption, desorption and transport of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn
  54. Lithological and land-use based assessment of heavy metal pollution in soils surrounding a cement plant in SW Europe
  55. As(V)/Cr(VI) pollution control in soils, hemp waste, and other by-products: competitive sorption trials
  56. F sorption/desorption on two soils and on different by-products and waste materials
  57. Temporal and spatial changes in soil micronutrients in managed Nothofagus pumilio forest of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
  58. Study of metal transport through pine bark for reutilization as a biosorbent
  59. As(V) and P Competitive Sorption on Soils, By-Products and Waste Materials
  60. Cu retention in an acid soil amended with perlite winery waste
  61. Competitive adsorption/desorption of tetracycline, oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline on two acid soils: Stirred flow chamber experiments
  62. Cr(VI) Sorption/Desorption on Pine Sawdust and Oak Wood Ash
  63. Heavy metals in pastureland soils situated in A Pastoriza (NW Spain) treated with cattle slurry and NPK fertilizers
  64. Perspectives on the use of by-products to treat soil and water pollution
  65. Cr(VI) sorption/desorption on untreated and mussel-shell-treated soil materials: fractionation and effects of pH and chromium concentration
  66. Adsorption, desorption and fractionation of As(V) on untreated and mussel shell-treated granitic material
  67. Copper content and distribution in vineyard soils from Betanzos (A Coruña, Spain)
  68. Time evolution of the general characteristics and Cu retention capacity in an acid soil amended with a bentonite winery waste
  69. Mixtures including wastes from the mussel shell processing industry: retention of arsenic, chromium and mercury
  70. Pine bark as bio-adsorbent for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn: Batch-type and stirred flow chamber experiments
  71. Mercury distribution in a toposequence of sub-Antarctic forest soils of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) as consequence of the prevailing soil processes
  72. 1500 years of soil use reconstructed from the chemical properties of a terraced soil sequence
  73. Kinetics of tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and chlortetracycline adsorption and desorption on two acid soils
  74. Metalaxyl mobility in acid soils: evaluation using different methods
  75. Cyprodinil retention on mixtures of soil and solid wastes from wineries. Effects of waste dose and ageing
  76. Metal and organic matter immobilization in temperate podzols: A high resolution study
  77. Mercury removal using ground and calcined mussel shell
  78. Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
  79. Pollution of surface waters by metalaxyl and nitrate from non-point sources
  80. Trends in nutrient reservoirs stored in uppermost soil horizons of subantarctic forests differing in their structure
  81. Heavy metal retention in copper mine soil treated with mussel shells: Batch and column experiments
  82. Influence of different abiotic and biotic factors on the metalaxyl and carbofuran dissipation
  83. pH-dependent copper release in acid soils treated with crushed mussel shell
  84. Five thousand years of atmospheric Ni, Zn, As, and Cd deposition recorded in bogs from NW Iberia: prehistoric and historic anthropogenic contributions
  85. Effect of lead stress on mineral content and growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) seedlings
  86. Cr(VI) Adsorption and Desorption on Soils and Biosorbents
  87. Arsenic, chromium and mercury removal using mussel shell ash or a sludge/ashes waste mixture
  88. Comparison of batch, stirred flow chamber, and column experiments to study adsorption, desorption and transport of carbofuran within two acidic soils
  89. Copper release kinetics from a long-term contaminated acid soil using a stirred flow chamber: Effect of ionic strength and pH
  90. Mercury content in volcanic soils across Europe and its relationship with soil properties
  91. Zinc distribution and acid–base mobilisation in vineyard soils and sediments
  92. Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Metalaxyl in Intensively Cultivated Acid Soils
  93. Adsorption and desorption kinetics of carbofuran in acid soils
  94. Kinetics of Hg(II) adsorption and desorption in calcined mussel shells
  95. Transport of Copper Oxychloride-Based Fungicide Particles in Saturated Quartz Sand
  96. Copper accumulation and fractionation in vineyard soils from temperate humid zone (NW Iberian Peninsula)
  97. Copper fractionation and release from soils devoted to different crops
  98. Quaternary herbicides retention by the amendment of acid soils with a bentonite-based waste from wineries
  99. Diffusion-induced changes on exchangeable and organic bound copper fractions in acid soil samples enriched with copper
  101. Changes in soil properties and in the growth of Lolium multiflorum in an acid soil amended with a solid waste from wineries
  102. Simulating Washoff of Cu-Based Fungicide Sprays by Using a Rotating Shear Device
  103. Influence of organic matter removal on competitive and noncompetitive adsorption of copper and zinc in acid soils
  104. Mercury accumulation in upland acid forest ecosystems nearby a coal-fired power-plant in Southwest Europe (Galicia, NW Spain)
  105. Copper distribution and acid-base mobilization in vineyard soils and sediments from Galicia (NW Spain)
  106. Copper Retention Kinetics in Acid Soils
  107. Changes in copper content and distribution in young, old and abandoned vineyard acid soils due to land use changes
  108. Mire
  109. Short-scale distribution of copper fractions in a vineyard acid soil
  110. Seasonal distributions of fungicides in soils and sediments of a small river basin partially devoted to vineyards
  111. Treatment of an Acid Soil with Bentonite Used for Wine Fining:  Effects on Soil Properties and the Growth ofLolium multiflorum
  112. Arsenic fractionation in agricultural acid soils from NW Spain using a sequential extraction procedure
  113. Total copper content and its distribution in acid vineyards soils developed from granitic rocks
  115. Modification of Soil Solid Aluminium Phases During an Extreme Experimental Acidification of A Horizons of Forest Soils from Southwest Europe
  116. Modification of Soil Solid Aluminium Phases During an Extreme Experimental Acidification of A Horizons of Forest Soils from Southwest Europe
  117. Chapter 4 Mountain mires from Galicia (NW Spain)
  118. Linking changes in atmospheric dust deposition, vegetation change and human activities in northwest Spain during the last 5300 years
  119. Aluminium fractionation of European volcanic soils by selective dissolution techniques
  120. Distribution of some selected major and trace elements in four Italian soils developed from the deposits of the Gauro and Vico volcanoes
  121. Atmospheric Pb deposition in Spain during the last 4600 years recorded by two ombrotrophic peat bogs and implications for the use of peat as archive
  122. Mercury in a Spanish Peat Bog: Archive of Climate Change and Atmospheric Metal Deposition
  124. Aluminium and iron fractionation of European volcanic soils by selective dissolution techniques
  125. Chemical weathering of Reference European Volcanic Soils
  126. Elemental composition of Reference European Volcanic Soils
  127. Exchange complex properties of soils from a range of European volcanic areas
  128. Multivariate statistical analysis of chemical properties of European volcanic soils
  129. Peat