All Stories

  1. Reform the Marketing discipline and practice basen on service scholarshipmar
  2. Soving manufacturing firms problems to transform into true service providers
  3. Resolving marketing's current challenges with an alternative perspective
  4. Viewpoint: service marketing research priorities: service and marketing
  5. Reforming public services: does service logic have anything to offer?
  6. Accelerating employee-related scholarship in service management
  7. On value, value creation and value co-creation in service
  8. Does communicating the customer’s resource integrating role improve or diminish value proposition effectiveness?
  9. Christian Grönroos: I did it my way
  10. Relationship marketing readiness: theoretical background and measurement directions
  11. Communication-in-use: customer-integrated marketing communication
  12. Internationalization strategies for services: a retrospective
  13. Relationality in the service logic of value creation
  14. The role of psychological distance in value creation
  15. Are service marketing models really used in modern practice?
  16. Service productivity as mutual learning
  17. Consumer dominant value creation
  18. Reverse use of customer data: implications for service-based business models
  19. Consumer willingness to communicate in a second language
  20. Design for Value Co-Creation: Exploring Synergies Between Design for Service and Service Logic
  21. The hybrid consumer: exploring hybrid consumption behaviour
  22. The emergence of the new service marketing: Nordic School perspectives