What is it about?

This paper is studies the mistakes that are observed in language use in the public spaces in Ghana, and the kind of laughter that these mistakes evokes in the reading public. For example, instead of 'fried rice'. one can see 'fly rice' which make people laugh

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Why is it important?

The public and those who read them can relieve themselves of stress and some of life pressures. In fact, it is established that laughter has healing effect so when people read such inscriptions and signages they gain intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits. The signages serve as means of human interaction as the people who read them desire to share them on social media and any other means possible. One was "We want ERECTION 2020", instead of "We want ELECTION 2020". Isn't this funny!


The signages in the paper make it so enjoyable. One does not only read 'laughter' but sees laughter and enjoys it. The paper has inspired me to create a Museum of such funny and laughter-inducing signages. The intention is to create an avenue for people to visit the place as a humor or laughter library and laugh off life troubles, and stresses. The health benefits of this project is so refreshing. I am ready for collaboration in this project.

Osei Yaw Akoto
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Exploring incongruity and humour in Linguistic Landscapes in Ghana, Linguistic Landscape An international journal, September 2023, John Benjamins,
DOI: 10.1075/ll.22016.ako.
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