What is it about?

Beginnings are important in everyone's life. This is also the case with language families. In the present study, we tried to match the latest linguistic and historical genetic results. The fit was successful in several ways. One of our results is that real men have emerged from the obscurity of history. Men who still influence us today. From them, we inherited the language that members of the Uralic language family speak every day. We are learning more and more about the beginnings.

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Why is it important?

It is one of the first comprehensive studies to investigate the origins of the Uralic language family using transdisciplinary methods that include historical genetics.


From the moment we know who we are looking for and what genetic characteristics we are looking for, we can find the valleys from which the ancestors of the Ural peoples started, find their holy places and learn more about their lives.

Endre Németh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The origin of Uralic-speaking groups from a historical genetic point of view, Journal of Uralic Linguistics, May 2024, John Benjamins,
DOI: 10.1075/jul.00025.nem.
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