What is it about?

The work is part of a special issue about the populist radical right beyond Europe. I focus on the case of Brazil. The work focuses on the supply-side and Bolsonaro's ideas and discourses. I make three arguments: (i) authoritarianism is the primary defining attribute of Bolsonaro; (ii) populism only exists in the country associated with a solid negative political identity, an anti-Workers’ Party sentiment known in Brazil as antipetismo; and (iii) neoliberalism must be considered a fourth ideological element of the Brazilian PRR.

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Why is it important?

The work helps to understand the rise of the populist radical right in Brazil and the ideas and discourses of Jair Bolsonaro. Since Bolsonaro is the first successful populist radical right leader in Latin America, the work also contributes to understanding the rise of Bolsonaro in the regional context.


The work is important because the populist radical right poses a huge challenge to (liberal) democracy. It is crucial to understand its leaders and parties in order to deal with them.

Talita Tanscheit
Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Jair Bolsonaro and the defining attributes of the populist radical right in Brazil, Journal of Language and Politics, May 2023, John Benjamins,
DOI: 10.1075/jlp.22133.tan.
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