What is it about?

An investigation of the dynamism between micro and macro contexts in translation studies. Fans' online translations in the form of bullet-screen (danmu) videos are studied,

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Why is it important?

This study provides a dynamic perspective towards contexts in translation studies. It also discussed the origin of dynamism by conceptualizing celebrities as "the source cluster". By analysing the interaction between macro and micro contexts within the target culture, as exemplified in the translator’s additions and target audiences’ on-screen danmu comments, this study concludes that the macro and micro contexts are in dynamic interplay when the source cluster and the translation workflow have an evolving nature. Moreover, the two contexts are no longer set at opposing ends of a spectrum. Instead, an intermediate zone is bridged by danmu comments, blurring the boundaries between macro and micro contexts in cyberspace.


I hope readers of this article can understand the dynamisn of contexts and translation from the easy-to-read and interesting cases mentioned in the study. Learn from laughter.

Peng Qiao

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: On the dynamic interplay of macro and micro contexts in translation, Babel Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation / Revista Internacional de Traducción, December 2023, John Benjamins,
DOI: 10.1075/babel.00369.qia.
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