What is it about?

This paper establishes the relationship between e-commerce and sustainability factors in business organizations. The sustainability factors are arranged in the metrics, that can be adopted by a business manager for measuring the extent of the e-commerce effect on the sustainability of a business organization. E-commerce managers may also use the findings of this study to gain further insight into the sustainability aspects of e-commerce activities.

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Why is it important?

The author urges businesses to leverage e-commerce to create sustainable solutions that address customer, environmental, and societal value expectations.


The author has shown in the statistical analysis, that the overwhelming majority of the sustainability factors (economic, environmental, social) are positively correlated with each other. Therefore, the business practice shall be congruent and compatible with the business initiatives for environmental and social responsibility.

Mr Sanjay Chaudhary
Delhi Technological University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effect of E-Commerce on Organization Sustainability, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, July 2017, IOSR Journals,
DOI: 10.9790/487x-1907031524.
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