What is it about?

The article s about how effective climate change adaptation mechanisms have been based on the assessment of vulnerable groups on if there is positive change and vice versa. Comparisons using ecosystem based management approach tools like the "No-regret strategy concept" with case study scenarios in other countries.

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Why is it important?

Majority of studies n Ghana and elsewhere delves into the potential impacts of Climate Change on some key sectors and socio-economic livelihoods. However, despite several investments made my governments and international bodies, what mechanisms do we have in place to measure or check effectiveness of initiated adaptation strategies. Hence, reason why this study was conducted to provide information on the said objective as in the case of Dansoman in Accra, Ghana. Going forward it would help local assemblies/governments to know key issues which stems the study area to better understand the actual situation or reality on the ground against what's on paper.


Generally good and very informative.

Dr Isaac Sarfo
Henan University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effectiveness of Adaptation Strategies among Coastal Communities in Ghana: The Case of Dansoman in the Greater Accra Region, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, June 2019, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2019/v35i630211.
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