What is it about?

We have studied two kinds of genes variants, and we found that their interference increases our disposition toward smoking's addiction.

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Why is it important?

We found that there are some genes which works together to catalyze the digestion of nicotine which is the main chemical in tobacco smoke that leads people to smoking addiction. These genes particularly provide necessary information to encode enzyme that digest nicotine, and if you do have them you may probably have strong desired to smoke, because you can catalyze nicotine and feel a great sensation whenever you do.


I have enjoyed writing this article, as it has opened my eyes on genes role in our body. They basically regulate our lives.

American Public Health Association

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Determining the Impact of the Interactions of CYP2B6*6 and CYP2A6 Polymorphisms on the Treatment of Nicotine Dependence, August 2021, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/idhr/v4/3964f.
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