What is it about?

The information embeded in our genes are being valuable in disease diagnostic and treatment

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Why is it important?

This paper describes how the use of genomic sequencing is having an impact on clinical research, its achievements, challenges and future prospects for advancing clinical trials, based on the article “Genomic sequencing in clinical trials”.


I believe in genomics science and its wonderful changes it is introducing to innovate medicine practices. All is about to live better. I have enjoyed knowing many things about genomics sciences while writing this article. I hope you'll enjoy reading it too.

American Public Health Association

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Study on Genome Sequencing Practices as Driving Force of Clinical Research Modernization in the Future, August 2021, Sciencedomain International,
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/idhr/v3/3963f.
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