What is it about?

The study is about ELT teacher trainees' perspectives on the place of culture. Culture is not really included in the curriculum in a systematic way in Turkish EFL classrooms. But we believe that teachers can still teach cultural issues when the opportunity comes. However, they should be knowledgeable about cultural elements and the breath of culture in order for enabling them to integrate the elements to the existing programme

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Why is it important?

Language teaching should not be stripped of its cultural elements. Cultural elements can also make lessons more colourful. since the English language is a global language, teachers may not decide what to teach and how to integrate it to their lesson. For this reason, teacher trainees should be given guidance on these issues.


Since the English language is regarded as a Christain populations' language, many people oppose the idea of teaching cultural elements in English lessons in Turkey. We believe that the idea of teaching cultural elements should be limited to teaching American or British culture but global culture. By using the English language as a tool we can help our learner become culturally aware individuals.

Dr Çi̇ğdem Karatepe
Uludag University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Yabancı Dil Olarak İngilizce ÖğretimindeKültür: Öğretmen adaylarının perspektifi, Journal of Turkish Studies, January 2018, Journal of Turkish Studies,
DOI: 10.7827/turkishstudies.13373.
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