What is it about?

This study identifies, for the first time, critical calculation errors made by Nathan Lewis and his co-authors, in their study presented on May 1, 1989, at the American Physical Society meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Lewis et al. analyzed calorimetrically measured heat results in nine experiments reported by Martin Fleischmann and his co-authors. According to the Lewis et al. analysis, each of the experiments, where calculated for no recombination, showed anomalous power losses. When we used the same raw data, our corrected calculations indicate that each experiment showed anomalous power gains. As such, these data suggest the possibility of a new, energy-producing physical phenomenon.

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Why is it important?

These newly recognized errors by Lewis et al. support the conclusion that Fleischmann et al. may have discovered a potential new source of energy as well as a new field of science, contrary to general understanding. This paper aims to correct the scientific record on this matter.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Confirmation of Anomalous-Heat Report, Journal of Electrochemistry, February 2024, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074x.3424.
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