What is it about?

Illustrates what are the dangers of high-altitude hypoxia

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Why is it important?

As trekking becomes more popular several categories of people go to high altitude, including those with neurological disturbances,an overview is given of risks and contraindications. The present is advice, not rules.


More trekking with safe advice, including aged people with Parkinson's or other CNS damage.

Prof Corrado Angelini
Universita degli Studi di Padova Polo Bibliotecario di Scienze Farmacologia e Scienze Farmaceutiche

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Neurologic and Metabolic Challenges at High Altitudes, SVOA Neurology, March 2024, ScienceVolks Limited,
DOI: 10.58624/svoane.2024.05.0132.
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