What is it about?

It is well known that in order to obtain an efficient anaerobic reaction, the sludge-water mixing reaction in an anaerobic reactor is carried out at the lowest possible mixing intensity. The mixed sludge-water undergoes anaerobic biochemical degradation in CSTR mode and ensures the stability of the bacterial population in the anaerobic sludge. The sludge-water mixing characteristics of anaerobic reactors of various structural forms are analyzed, and the structural forms of anaerobic reactors that can realize the low intensity of sludge-water mixing as well as the calculation models of sludge-water mixing were given.

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Why is it important?

Optimizing the design of sludge-water mixing structure of anaerobic reactor, applying model calculation and analysis to control sludge-water mixing state, in order to improve the reaction efficiency and operation stability of anaerobic reactor.


The sludge-water mixing structure analysis and modeling calculation can be used for anaerobic reactor design, operation control and its technology development.

Min Yang

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Structure and Sludge-Water Mixing of Anaerobic Reactor, September 2023, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112495.
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