What is it about?

In this article, we discuss the increasing trend of retracted scientific papers, which are withdrawn from journals due to errors or misconduct, affecting the credibility of research. We highlight the negative consequences of spreading flawed research and emphasize the importance of correcting the literature to maintain scientific integrity. We outline measures like COPE's ethical guidelines and promote error reporting to prevent misconduct and ensure reliable research. Furthermore, we present a detailed analysis of retracted papers, offering insights into the reasons behind retractions and suggesting ways to safeguard scientific progress.

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Why is it important?

This work is timely due to the growing concern over research integrity and the unique approach of using bibliometric analysis to understand and address the issue. By providing insights into the patterns and causes of retractions, it can guide improvements in the publication process, potentially increasing trust in scientific literature and enhancing readership among academics and professionals.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Bibliometric Analysis of Dubious Research, June 2024, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005274.
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