What is it about?

The present paper is based on a complex analysis of the results from a survey of seven subsidiaries of multinational corporations (MNCs), which entered the Polish market in the early nineties, and focuses on the motives and modes of setting up these subsidiaries. The survey design has been based on an extensive literature review and the collected data are analysed using a within-case and cross-case approach. The findings of this exploratory study lead to the formulation of pertinent hypotheses that may serve as possible guidelines for undertaking and stimulating future research based on larger and more representative samples of MNC subsidiaries.

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This study, although of a qualitative and exploratory nature, makes several contributions to the research on FDI motives and modes, especially in CEE. The literature review demonstrated that very few studies of this kind have focused on the CEE region and none of them explicitly used the FDI motives framework adopted in this approach. Moreover, hardly any other study has made an attempt to link FDI motives to FDI modes.

Marian Gorynia
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Motives and modes of FDI in Poland: An exploratory qualitative study , Journal of East European Management Studies, January 2007, Nomos Verlag,
DOI: 10.5771/0949-6181-2007-2-132.
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