Fostering Diffusion of Scienti and #64257;c Contents of National Society Cardiovascular Journals: the New ESC Search Engine
Fernando Alfonso, Lino Goncalves, Fausto Pinto, Adam Timmis, Hugo Ector, Giuseppe Ambrosio, Panos Vardas, OLoizos Antoinades, Eduard Apetrei, Michael Aschermann, Leonardo Bologneze, Mirza Dilic, Istvan Edes, Krzysztof Filipiak, Faig Guliyev, Habib Haouala, ahmoud Hassanein, Magda Heras, Christer Hoglund, Ivan Hulin, Kurt Huber, Mario Ivanusa, Germanas Marinskis, Izet Masic, Miodrag Ostojic, Otmar Pachinger, Dimitar Raev, Mamanti Rogava, Olaf Rodevand, Vedat Sansoy, Evgeny Shlyakhto, Valentin A
Shumakov, Emst Wall, Jorgen Videbaek, Thomas Luscher
Medical Archives, January 2013, ScopeMed International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System
DOI: 10.5455/medarh.2013.67.308-313