What is it about?

The study investigates the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding osteoporosis in the general population of Karachi. It assesses how much people know about osteoporosis, their attitudes towards it, and their practices in managing the condition. The research focuses on understanding the factors influencing osteoporosis awareness, with a particular emphasis on the role of education, especially in the medical field.

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Why is it important?

Osteoporosis is a prevalent bone health condition, and understanding how the general population perceives and handles it is crucial. The study's findings reveal that a significant portion of the population has good knowledge, positive attitudes, and commendable practices related to osteoporosis. This information is valuable for designing targeted interventions and educational programs to further improve awareness and preventive measures. The identified associations, such as the impact of medical education on knowledge levels, provide actionable insights for healthcare professionals and policymakers. Addressing osteoporosis at a national level can not only reduce the economic burden but also enhance the overall health standards of the population.


The study suggests that efforts should be intensified to enhance public knowledge and practices related to osteoporosis. Targeting educational programs, especially in the medical sector, can have a substantial impact. The positive attitudes identified in the study indicate a readiness among the population to engage in preventive measures. Implementing a national strategy to reduce osteoporosis occurrence could lead to significant health improvements and economic savings. The findings open avenues for further research and intervention development, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of the population.

Dr Muhammad Shahzad Aslam
Xiamen University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: OSTEOPOROSIS KAP IN KARACHI: A QUANTITATIVE CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, November 2023, Green Publication,
DOI: 10.53555/jptcp.v30i18.3352.
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