Pharmacognostic and phytochemical studies as an invaluable approach for correct identification of medicinal plants: The case of Artemisia vulgaris L. substituted for Artemisia annua L. in Western Uganda
Ivan Kahwa, Clement Olusoji Ajayi, Reenu Yadav, Nagendra Singh Chauhan, Kamal Shah, Abdelgadir Alamin Abdelgadir, Efrata Ashuro Shegena, Salome Daniel, Timothy Omara, John Baptist Asiimwe, Hilda Ikiriza, Shabnoor Iqbal, Casim Umba Tolo, Anke Weisheit, Patrick Engeu Ogwang
TMR Integrative Medicine, January 2023, TMR Publishing Group
DOI: 10.53388/tmrim202307004