Stratigraphic record of lagoonal management since Antiquity: insights from sediment core analysis and sub-bottom profiling, lagoon of Orbetello, Italy
Guillaume Jouve, Cécile Vittori, Gilles Brocard, Matteo Pili, Camille Gonçalves, Amber Goyon, Brahimsamba Bomou, Kévin Jacq, Maxime Debret, Laurent Mattio, Lionel Darras, Christophe Benech, Quentin Vitale, Adèle Bertini, Marco Leporatti-Persiano, Fabio Cianchi, Christine Oberlin, Pierre Sabatier, Valérie Mesnage, Jean-Philippe Goiran
June 2022, Copernicus GmbH
DOI: 10.5194/icg2022-333