What is it about?

It is cardinal to make the estimation of water resources their distribution, magnitude, and scope of utilization. It is also key to have an idea of the present demands of water for various valuable uses like domestic, irrigational, industrial purposes from a public health point of view.

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Why is it important?

The parameter detected are temperature, turbidity, pH, electrical conductivity, total solids, TDS, SS, nitrate, phosphate, chloride, alkalinity, total hardness Ca-H, Mg-H, DO, BOD, COD, K, Na, sulfate, and fluoride all Physico-chemical parameters.


Water resources are vital for existence and development of the global community. The mineral constitutents present in water are directly related to agricultural utilization and its parameters value decides the suitability of water for agricultural purpose.

JSTR Journal of Science and Technological Researches

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Analysis of Water Quality of River Kaliyasot Bhopal, (M.P.) INDIA, Journal of Science and Technological Researches, March 2021, Journal of Science and Technological Researches,
DOI: 10.51514/jstr.3.1.2021.30-33.
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