What is it about?

In our study, we looked at how using educational smartphone apps can help people with Type 2 Diabetes better manage their condition. We divided participants into two groups: one group used the app, and the other didn't. We found that both groups improved, but the app group improved more. This means that using these apps can be a helpful way for people with diabetes to take care of themselves. Plus, it's easier and cheaper than traditional methods.

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Why is it important?

Our study is unique because it focuses on the use of smartphone apps to help people with Type 2 Diabetes manage their condition, which is timely given the digital age we live in. We show that these apps are practical and cost-effective compared to traditional methods, potentially changing how diabetes care is approached. This makes our research highly relevant to a broad audience interested in improving diabetes care and digital health solutions.


This publication is exciting because it highlights the potential of smartphone apps to improve diabetes management. As someone interested in healthcare and technology, I believe this approach is timely and practical, offering individuals valuable tools for self-care. These apps could also reduce the strain on healthcare systems and enhance healthcare access, making them cost-effective and equitable solutions. This work emphasizes the importance of embracing digital health tools in chronic disease management, which is a promising step towards a patient-centered healthcare future.

Mr Ferry Efendi
Universitas Airlangga

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effect of mobile structured educational applications on self-care management in diabetes mellitus patients, Gaceta Médica de Caracas, June 2023, Saber CDCH-UCV,
DOI: 10.47307/gmc.2023.131.2.3.
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