What is it about?

This research letter examines the potential impact of Thailand's Songkran festival on COVID-19 transmission in 2020. The authors used a mathematical model to estimate how the festival, which typically involves large gatherings and close physical contact, could affect virus spread. They considered scenarios with different levels of disease transmission and increased human contact during the festival. The results suggested that the Songkran festival could significantly accelerate COVID-19 transmission in Thailand, potentially leading to 1.3 to 100 times more infections compared to a scenario without the festival, depending on the transmission rate and contact frequency.

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Why is it important?

This study is crucial because it provides data-driven insights into how large cultural events can significantly impact the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. By quantifying the potential increase in virus transmission during Thailand's Songkran festival, the research offers valuable evidence to support public health decision-making. The study's findings directly influenced and validated the Thai government's decision to cancel the festival, potentially preventing a substantial surge in infections.


This paper offers a timely and important analysis of how cultural events can impact disease transmission during a pandemic. By modeling the potential effects of the Songkran festival on COVID-19 spread in Thailand, the researchers provide valuable insights that can inform public health decision-making in Thailand.

Assoc. Prof. Charin Modchang
Mahidol University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effect of the Songkran festival on COVID-19 transmission in Thailand, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, January 2020, Medknow,
DOI: 10.4103/1995-7645.281616.
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