What is it about?

Over the last ten years, we have witnessed a real enthusiasm for actions to promote highenvironmental quality. Indeed, the residential and tertiary sector is one of the sectors mostconsuming energy [1]. However, buildings are designed to act as a thermal filter to recreate aninternal microclimate independent of external weather fluctuations. The shape, orientation,arrangement and composition of the components determine the characteristics of this filter. As theinside environment does not always meet the requirements of occupant comfort, the response of thebuilding is corrected by air conditioning units acting as controlled sources of heat or cold andsometimes having an effect on humidity rates. (19) (PDF) Numerical Simulation of Heat Exchanges for a Desert House Type ADRAR. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320340168_Numerical_Simulation_of_Heat_Exchanges_for_a_Desert_House_Type_ADRAR [accessed Jan 13 2023].

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Why is it important?

The main objective of this work is to study the thermal exchanges in a habitableenclosure located in a desert region of Algeria (Adrar). This latter is considered as an air volume ofparallelepiped shape limited by horizontal and vertical flat walls. The walls are the only capacitiveelements of the enclosure. They are thermally coupled by convection and radiation and are the seatof conductive flux. The external facades of the enclosure are the seat of a convective flux with theexternal air and radiative exchanges with the environment (ground and sky). Openings (cracks,sealing defects, infiltration orifices, renewal orifices, etc.) allow the air to circulate inside thehabitable enclosure and between the inside and the outside. Thermal exchanges are studied using thebalance equations established at each wall of the enclosure. These equations have been discretizedby an implicit finite difference method. The systems of algebraic equations thus obtained have beensolved by the Gauss algorithm using the nodal method. The effects of the outdoor ambienttemperature, the density of the incident solar flux on the facades and the orientation of the habitableenclosure in the meridian plane on the temperature distributions of the internal walls and the filledair in the enclosure havec been analyzed on the basis of recent climate data measured at theADRAR Saharan Renewable Energy Research Unit. An analysis of the evolution of the internalambient temperature as a function of the wind exposure factor of the heated space and of the degreeof leaktightness of the doors and windows was also carried out at the end of this work. Anacceptable agreement was found between the numerical results and those measured by theradiometric station. Moreover, the results obtained show that the building material used in thisregion causes undesirable overheating due to its thermal inertia. (19) (PDF) Numerical Simulation of Heat Exchanges for a Desert House Type ADRAR. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320340168_Numerical_Simulation_of_Heat_Exchanges_for_a_Desert_House_Type_ADRAR [accessed Jan 13 2023].


The use of solar energy in the building is a promoter topic of research in Algeria which has aconsiderable solar energy potential and especially in the region of ADRAR. The study presented inthis paper shows that the developed model can be used for the prediction of the thermal behavioroutside and inside of a habitable enclosure located in a desert region. Indeed, we have analyzed theeffects of several parameters on the thermal comfort, such as, weather conditions in flux and outsidetemperature, wall thickness, wind exposure coefficient and the quality of doors and windowssealing.The results showed that in the diurnal period the interior temperature of the habitable enclosurewith several facades exposed to the wind, with high quality sealing is moderately lower than that ofan enclosure with a simple facade exposed to the wind and a low degree of sealing. Therefore, toimprove the comfort level inside the living area, the quality of the joints must be increased and thewind exposure coefficient must be minimized as the external ambient temperature in this region isvery high during the month of July.The high thermal inertia of the building material of the habitable enclosure has a considerableeffect on the stabilization of the thermal comfort. Indeed, other materials with low thermal inertia inthe construction, such as, for example, clay-based materials, must be considered. Moreover, theincrease in the temperature of the heating slab leads to an increase in the internal temperature and,consequently, to undesirable overheating in the envelope. For this reason, it is necessary to respectthe ISO standards that govern the permissible limits of the heating floor temperature. (19) (PDF) Numerical Simulation of Heat Exchanges for a Desert House Type ADRAR. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320340168_Numerical_Simulation_of_Heat_Exchanges_for_a_Desert_House_Type_ADRAR [accessed Jan 13 2023].

Faculté des Sciences et Technologie Université Ahmed Draya d’Adrar

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Numerical Simulation of Heat Exchanges for a Desert House Type ADRAR, Advanced Engineering Forum, October 2017, Trans Tech Publications,
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/aef.24.63.
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