What is it about?

This chapter presents an in-depth critical overview of the theoretical and methodological approaches that have been used to assess the impact of Universities on regional competitiveness and development, including short-term/demand-side (economic) perspective and long-term/supply side (endogenous growth, technological transfer and commercialization, and institutional) perspective.

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Why is it important?

Such updated literature on the theoretical and methodologic approaches used for assessing the impact of Universities, most notably, Entrepreneurial Universities contributes to fill in a gap in the extant literature as, to the best of our knowledge, no comprehensive literature review exists on this topic.


It gives special attention to the potential impacts of universities' technology transfer and entrepreneurship activities on regional competitiveness, considering the ongoing transformation process of universities towards a ‘regional engaged entrepreneurial university' model.

Prof. Gonçalo Rodrigues Brás
Instituto Superior de Gestao e Administracao de Santarem

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Impact of Universities on Regional Competitiveness, January 2020, IGI Global,
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0174-0.ch004.
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