What is it about?
This chapter analyzes the relationship between national cultural values, societal values and the type of the economy within necessity-driven, opportunity-driven and improvement-driven entrepreneurship. The analysis takes into account data from 56 countries from 2016/2017 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor datasets, where the three types of entrepreneurship, the societal values and the type of economy (factor-driven, efficiency-driven and innovation-driven economies) are analyzed.
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Why is it important?
There are three main reasons why this chapter is important. First, cultural values marginally explain necessity-driven and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship. Second, societal values only explain improvement-driven entrepreneurship. Finally, the type of economy is important in explaining necessity-driven and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship, however it is of no added value in explaining improvement-driven opportunity.
Although national cultural values - which are very important, still today in the so called gobalization era - are used to analyze five dimensions of Hofstede’s work (power distance; individualism/collectivism; masculinity/femininity; long/short term orientation; and uncertainty avoidance), one needs to be cautious when drawing general conclusions as we believe that societal values are failing to capture differences among the types of entrepreneurship analyzed. This means that policy issues nedd be be addressed as well.
Antonio Carrizo Moreira
University of Aveiro
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: National Culture, Societal Values, and Type of Economy, IGI Global,
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3525-6.ch004.
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