What is it about?

Teaching English to History students was a challenging and frustrating experience for one teacher until she decided to let students choose their own content and become authors of their own course.

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Why is it important?

This case study indicates how providing an environment where university students experience significant autonomy, even in an ordinary classroom setting, can lead to increased engagement with both content and language.


Experimenting with similar teaching strategies in different contexts will add to the literature on learner autonomy in language learning and hopefully provide teachers with more satisfying ways of achieving FL targets at university.

Dr Denyze Toffoli
Universite Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: L’autonomie comme facteur déterminant dans la réussite d’un enseignement Lansad en sciences historiques, Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité, October 2016, OpenEdition,
DOI: 10.4000/apliut.5505.
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