What is it about?

Informal Online Learning of English is becoming more prevalent as language students can easily access all the resources they need on their personal tablets, computers or smartphones. Does this, therefore, spell the end of University Language Centers?

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Why is it important?

University Language Resource Centers have become important means of language provision in many modern universities and have generated much research, especially linked to notions such as learner autonomy. However, as personal technical devices allow students easier and greater access to resources on their own, Language Centers may be doomed to obsolescence.


This was a fun piece to write, intentionally provocative, and to which we have attem^ppted to provide some answers.

Dr Denyze Toffoli
Universite Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: L’apprentissage informel de l’anglais en ligne (AIAL) : quelles conséquences pour les centres de ressources en langues ?, Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité, January 2015, OpenEdition,
DOI: 10.4000/apliut.5055.
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