What is it about?

In the framework of the perturbed photo-gravitational restricted three-body problem, the fi rst order exterior resonant orbits and the first, third and fifth order interior resonant periodic orbits are analyzed. The location, eccentricity and period of the first order exterior and interior resonant orbits are investigated in the unperturbed and perturbed cases for a specif ied value of Jacobi constant C. It is observed that as the number of loops increases successively from one loop to five loops, the period of in finitesimal body increases in such a way that the successive difference of periods is either 6 or 7 units. It is further observed that for the exterior resonance, as the number of loops increases, the location of the periodic orbit moves towards the Sun whereas for the internal resonance as the number of loops increases, location of the periodic orbit moves away from the Sun. Thereby we demonstrate that the location of resonant orbits of the given order moves away from the Sun when perturbation is included. The evolution of interior fi rst order resonant orbit with three loops is studied for different values of Jacobi constant C. It is observed that when the value of C increases, the size of the loop decreases and degenerates nally into a circle, as well as the eccentricity of periodic orbit decreases and location of the periodic orbit moves towards the second primary body.

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Why is it important?

It is observed that as the number of loops increases successively from one loop to five loops, the period of in finitesimal body increases in such a way that the successive difference of periods is either 6 or 7 units.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The perturbed photogravitational restricted three-body problem: Analysis of resonant periodic orbits, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, January 2018, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS),
DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2019057.
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