What is it about?

This study uses advanced Oil-Based Mud Micro Imager (OBMI) and petrophysical log analysis to investigate the Asmari Formation's fractured reservoirs. By applying these sophisticated techniques, we better understand the reservoir's structure, which is crucial for effective resource management.

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Why is it important?

This research provides key methods for assessing and managing complex fractured reservoirs. By revealing detailed structural information, it enhances our ability to optimize oil and gas extraction and improves overall drilling efficiency.


This study marks a significant advancement in reservoir analysis. Utilizing advanced imaging and log analysis techniques addresses complex structural challenges and contributes to more effective resource management and operational efficiency.

Dr Zohreh Movahed

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Deciphering the Asmari Formation: Advanced Obmi and Petrophysical Log Analysis for Fractured Reservoir Assessment, Asian Science Bulletin, December 2024, Science Alert,
DOI: 10.3923/asb.2024.463.479.
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