What is it about?

This study explores the use of borehole imaging and vertical seismic profiling (VSP) to address the structural complexity in Asmari fractured reservoirs. By applying these techniques, we gain insights into the reservoir’s structure, improving our ability to manage and optimize its development.

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Why is it important?

The research provides effective methods for assessing and managing fractured reservoirs, which are vital for efficient oil and gas extraction. Understanding the reservoir's complexity leads to improved resource management and more efficient extraction processes.


This study is a significant advancement in reservoir analysis. By utilizing advanced imaging techniques, it addresses complex structural challenges, enhancing resource management and operational efficiency.

Dr Zohreh Movahed

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Addressing Structural Complexity in Asmari Fractured Reservoirs with Borehole Imaging Technique and VSP, Asian Science Bulletin, December 2024, Science Alert,
DOI: 10.3923/asb.2024.445.462.
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