What is it about?

The tourism industry requires that increased attention be paid to the quality of the human resources that constitute one of its major assets since tourism is essentially a people-centered service industry. A

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Why is it important?

A high-quality skilled workforce will ensure greater competitiveness and innovation, improved job prospects, repeat tourist visits, and economic growth in South Africa. Therefore better use of technology and possible entrepreneurial skills will advance the tourism graduate in the industry and also start his/her own business. Some attributes are lacking, and if the tourism industry, HEI as well as the graduate incorporate these skills students will be equipped better for the world of work.


This study found that the tourism industry experiences graduates as being comfortable with technology, having a professional appearance, as well outgoing—their three top actual abilities. However, graduates were perceived to lack entrepreneurial skills. In addition, work experience, negotiation skills, and career planning were among the lowest-ranked actual abilities of tourism graduates. Actual knowledge and skills gaps indicate a lack of the educational expertise required, as it underpins the curriculum in a tourism qualification and adds extensive value to the tourism industry when recruiting, training, and developing staff.

Dr. Nicola Wakelin-Theron
University of Johannesburg

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Attributes of Tourism Graduates: Comparison Between Employers' Evaluation and Graduates' Perceptions, Tourism Review International, October 2019, Cognizant Communication Corporation,
DOI: 10.3727/154427219x15664122692155.
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