What is it about?

This paper critically examines recent narratives of city branding in Timișoara, Romania. The aim is to investigate one specific case in the reproduction and adaptation of global urban development policies and to examine its relevance for the context of post-socialist urban politics.

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Why is it important?

We indicate a specific circularity between city branding and urban development, which is used to align the city to the regional inter-urban economic competition and to promote it as a space of rapid development.


A mélange of different narratives, based on disparate histories and representations of the city, which are assembled in ad-hoc and often contradictory branding discourses.

Dr Remus Cretan
west university of Timisoara

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: “LITTLE VIENNA” OR “EUROPEAN AVANT-GARDE CITY”? BRANDING NARRATIVES IN A ROMANIAN CITY, Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis, September 2020, CICADIT, University of Bucharest,
DOI: 10.37043/jura.2019.11.1.2.
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