What is it about?

Just imagine what it would be like to live in a world where a life-threatening virus has profoundly affected your community and where accessing adequate medical care and treatment as an immunocompromised kidney patient is a constant struggle. Additionally, the wearing of a cloth mask, meant to protect against an invisible virus, doesn't shield you from the fears of racial profiling, institutional biases, lack of proper medical treatments, and the distress caused by discrimination and violence against those wearing masks.

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Why is it important?

Imagine the profound impact of navigating a world where a life-threatening virus not only looms large in your community but also poses a significant threat to your health as an immunocompromised kidney patient. The daily struggle to access essential medical care and treatments becomes a stark reality, overshadowed by the constant fear of the unknown. In this challenging scenario, wearing a cloth mask meant to protect against an invisible threat unveils a different layer of vulnerability. It fails to shield against the deeper fears of racial profiling, systemic biases, inadequate medical interventions, and the distress stemming from discrimination and violence faced by those who wear masks for their safety. This narrative underscores the urgent need to address the intersectionality of health disparities, systemic inequalities, and the profound impact of discrimination on marginalized communities, especially in times of crisis. It sheds light on the critical importance of advocating for equitable access to healthcare, combating racial injustices, and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding in our society. By acknowledging these complex realities and standing in solidarity with those facing such challenges, we can strive towards a more inclusive and compassionate world where every individual, regardless of their health condition or background, is treated with dignity, respect, and equitable care.


As a Healthcare Consultant and Professional Patient Advocate, I have witnessed firsthand the intersection of healthcare disparities and social injustices, particularly in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through my work in advocating for health equality, I have seen how marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by both the virus and systemic injustices. This article delves into the challenges faced by individuals living with chronic conditions like Diabetic Kidney Disease amidst these dual crises, shedding light on the importance of addressing both healthcare disparities and social inequities for a more just and equitable society.

Dr. Patrick O. Gee

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Living Behind the Mask Amid Two Pandemics: COVID-19 & Social Injustice, Kidney360, December 2020, American Society of Nephrology,
DOI: 10.34067/kid.0006422020.
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