What is it about?
Chronic respiratory infections are a worldwide problem. Fusobacterial infections has been related to a poor clinical outcome. The paper challenges this view.
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Why is it important?
Prognostic markers are sometimes reversible, others are not. Our paper demonstrates that fusobacterial infections is related to severe comorbid conditions, thus high risk for mortality is not driven by Fusobacteria but by comorbidity.
This is a simple but comprehensive study on a rare cause of systemic or respiratory infection. Fusobacteria are difficult to grow unless having a clear suspicion when obtaining cultures.
dr Uffe Bodtger
Dep. of Respiratory Medicine, Naestved Hospital
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Bad news itself or just the messenger? The high mortality ofFusobacteriumspp. infections is related to disseminated malignancy and other comorbidities, European Clinical Respiratory Journal, May 2016, Co-Action Publishing,
DOI: 10.3402/ecrj.v3.30287.
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