Effectiveness of the Epley manoeuvre in posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a randomised clinical trial in primary care
José Luis Ballvé Moreno, Ricard Carrillo Muñoz, Yolanda Rando Matos, Iván Villar Balboa, Oriol Cunillera Puértolas, Jesús Almeda Ortega, Estrella Rodero Perez, Xavier Monteverde Curto, Carles Rubio Ripollès, Noemí Moreno Farres, Olga Lucia Arias Agudelo, Carlos Martin Cantera, Rafael Azagra Ledesma
British Journal of General Practice, December 2018, Royal College of General Practitioners
DOI: 10.3399/bjgp18x700253