What is it about?

The pilot study aimed to explore the effect of MMA sparring on PLR variables, which are indicators of dysfunctional autonomic brain function following traumatic brain injury. The study found that PLR variables were altered after sparring, with decreased maximum pupil size and minimum pupil size, and reduced PLR latency. Anisocoria was also present prior to sparring and increased after sparring. These results suggest that repeated head impacts may cause disturbances to autonomic brain function in the absence of outwardly visible symptoms, and provide direction for future cohort-controlled studies to formally investigate the potential changes observed.

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Why is it important?

This research is important as it sheds light on the potential long-term effects of repeated head impacts on athletes participating in combat sports such as mixed martial arts (MMA) sparring, even in the absence of outwardly visible symptoms. It highlights the importance of understanding the impact of sub-concussive head impacts on brain function, which can have significant implications for athlete health and performance. Key Takeaways: 1. Repeated head impacts experienced during combat sports may cause disturbances to autonomic brain function in the absence of outwardly visible symptoms. 2. The study found changes in pupil constriction, reduced PLR latency, and increased anisocoria following MMA sparring. 3. These findings provide direction for future cohort-controlled studies to investigate the potential changes observed.

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Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Combat Sports as a Model for Measuring the Effects of Repeated Head Impacts on Autonomic Brain Function: A Brief Report of Pilot Data, Vision, May 2023, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/vision7020039.
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