What is it about?

This paper examines the impact of a memorial museum in Romania which interprets the human rights abuses of the communist period (1947–1989). It uses focus groups with 61 young adults and compares the responses of visitors and non-visitors to assess the impact of the museum on views about the communist past, as well as the role of the museum within post-communist transitional justice.

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Why is it important?

The museum had a limited impact on changing overall perceptions of the communist era but visiting did stimulate reflection on the differences between past and present, and the importance of long-term remembrance; however, these young people were largely skeptical about the museum’s role within broader processes of transitional justice.


The paper concludes that it is important to recognize the limits of what memorial museums can achieve, since young people form a range of intergenerational memories about the recent past which a museum is not always able to change.

Dr Remus Cretan
west university of Timisoara

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Museums and Transitional Justice: Assessing the Impact of a Memorial Museum on Young People in Post-Communist Romania, Societies, May 2021, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/soc11020043.
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