What is it about?
Building trust in online systems is not new; however, no trust model or framework was found in our literature review that had been applied specifically to online research data services/tools. The authors have used virtual laboratories (also known as Virtual Research Environments or Science Gateways) as an example a class of data services to help explain a proposed trust framework (model) and its application.
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Why is it important?
For industry, citizens, and other researchers to participate in the open science agenda, further work needs to be undertaken to establish trust in research environments. This is especially critical to those online services delivering data products. As this paper shows, developing trust and a trusted relationship with end-users takes time and effort. This needs to be recognized by both funders and service owner governance bodies when committing resources and setting priorities.
In looking at supporting the research data lifecycle, clearly research data management is the focus right now, and rightfully so. However, since you cannot have data without tools, it would seem logical that tools in the research environment will become the next topic of interest. In another article (in press), we have suggested that, in establishing evaluation criteria, an important criterion is the trustworthiness of a tool.
Dr Joanna P. Richardson
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Trust Framework for Online Research Data Services, Publications, June 2017, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/publications5020014.
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