What is it about?

Based on field analysis, environmental assessments, satellite imagery processing and geographic information operations, this paper pushes forward the existing knowledge by conducting a comprehensive assessment of abandoned mining sites in the Romanian Carpathians and by proposing innovative and sustainable rehabilitation solutions.

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Why is it important?

The rehabilitation of abandoned mining sites is an increasingly pressing issue in the context of sustainable development.


Our findings highlight that abandoned mining sites and their surrounding territories in the Romanian mountains have significant ecological imbalances and complex socio-economic issues. The findings also suggest that by adopting innovative, integrated, and sustainability-oriented approaches, territories affected by mining can be transformed into valuable and sustainable spaces to meet human needs. We conclude by presenting the importance of innovation in ecological reconstruction and spatial–functional reintegration of mining sites in mountain areas as a useful tool in making fair decisions, both in the context of implementing appropriate development policies as well as for the resilience and environmental sustainability of mining-affected mountain areas.

Dr Remus Cretan
west university of Timisoara

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Identification, Spatial Distribution, and Reconstruction Mode of Abandoned Mining Areas, Land, July 2024, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/land13071107.
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