What is it about?

This article discusses the use of H5P-based matching games in a structural analysis course to help students understand graphs of internal forces. The study explores how integrating game elements into learning can boost student engagement, motivation, and performance. The course combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online activities, enhancing flexibility and personalized learning. H5P is used to create interactive content that helps students better understand structural analysis concepts.

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Why is it important?

The study found that students who participated in the games showed improved motivation and a better understanding of GIFs


The study highlights the use of H5P-based matching games to enhance student engagement and motivation in learning structural analysis.

Dr. César De Santos-Berbel
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: H5P-Based Matching Game for Training Graphs of Internal Forces in Structural Analysis, Education Sciences, March 2024, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/educsci14040359.
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