Establishment and Characterization of a Reliable Xenograft Model of Hodgkin Lymphoma Suitable for the Study of Tumor Origin and the Design of New Therapies
Radhia M’kacher, Monika Frenzel, Mustafa Al Jawhari, Steffen Junker, Corina Cuceu, Luc Morat, Anne-Laure Bauchet, Lev Stimmer, Aude Lenain, Nathalie Dechamps, William Hempel, Geraldine Pottier, Leonhard Heidingsfelder, Eric Laplagne, Claire Borie, Noufissa Oudrhiri, Dima Jouni, Annelise Bennaceur-Griscelli, Bruno Colicchio, Alain Dieterlen, Theodore Girinsky, Raphael Boisgard, Jean Bourhis, Jacques Bosq, Thomas Mehrling, Eric Jeandidier, Patrice Carde
Cancers, October 2018, MDPI AG
DOI: 10.3390/cancers10110414