What is it about?
The effectiveness of a recently proposed methodology for the identification of damage in planar, multistory, reinforced concrete (RC) moment frames, which develop a plastic yield mechanism on their beams, is showcased here via the examining of a group of such existing multistory frames with three or more unequal spans. According to the methodology, the diagram of the instantaneous eigenfrequencies of the frame in the nonlinear regime is drawn as a function of the inelastic seismic roof displacement by the performance of a sequence of pushover and instantaneous modal analyses with gradually increasing target displacement. Using this key diagram, the locations of severe seismic damage in an existing moment frame can be evaluated if the instantaneous fundamental eigenfrequency of the damaged frame, at an analysis step within the nonlinear area, is known in advance by “the monitoring and the identification of frequencies” using a local network of uniaxial accelerometers. This is a hybrid technique because both procedures, the instrumental monitoring of the structure and the pushover analysis on the frame (M and P technique), are combined. A ductile, five-story, planar RC moment frame with three unequal spans is evaluated in this paper by the M and P technique. The results show that the seismic roof displacement, the lateral stiffness matrix, and, finally, the damage image of this existing frame, are fully compatible with the eigenfrequencies identified by the monitoring and are calculated with high accuracy.
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Why is it important?
damage identification; instantaneous eigenfrequencies diagram; pushover capacity curve; seismic target displacement; beam-sway plastic mechanism
> riantafyllos MAKARIOS, PhD, Professor(Associate), > Director of the Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics of Structures, > SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Faculty of Engineer, > ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, > University Campus, Address BOX:502, GR–54124 Thessaloniki, Greece. > E-mail: makariostr@civil.auth.gr > Personal Page: http://users.auth.gr/makariostr/My C.V.: https://www.civil.auth.gr/images/personel/cv/GREEK_CV_Dr.Makarios.pdf
Triantafyllos Makarios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Identification of Damage in Planar Multistory Reinforced Concrete Frames Developing a Beam-Sway Plastic Mechanism Using the “M and P” Technique, Buildings, September 2023, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/buildings13092316.
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