Experience of a Strategy Including CYP2C19 Preemptive Genotyping Followed by Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Voriconazole in Patients Undergoing Allogenic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Irene García-García, Irene Dapía, Jaime Montserrat, Lucía Martinez de Soto, David Bueno, Lucía Díaz, Javier Queiruga, Amelia Rodriguez Mariblanca, Pilar Guerra-García, Elena Ramirez, Jesus Frías, Antonio Pérez Martínez, Antonio J. Carcas-Sansuan, Alberto M. Borobia
Frontiers in Pharmacology, October 2021, Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.717932