What have we learned from a case of convalescent plasma treatment in a two-time kidney transplant recipient COVID-19 patient? A case report from the perspective of viral load evolution and immune response
Fabian Aldunate, Alvaro Fajardo, Natalia Ibañez, Florencia Rammauro, Hellen Daghero, Rodrigo Arce, Diego Ferla, Marianoel Pereira-Gomez, Cecilia Salazar, Gregorio Iraola, Otto Pritsch, Javier Hurtado, Jordan Tenzi, Mariela Bollati-Fogolín, Sergio Bianchi, Nicolas Nin, Gonzalo Moratorio, Pilar Moreno
Frontiers in Nephrology, June 2023, Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fneph.2023.1132763