What is it about?
We analyzed for a north-central U.S. region, short-term drought and agricultural heat stress during April-May-June-July. We used object-oriented analysis to identify events of interest in observations and simulations by identifying objects in aspace-time domain that met specified criteria, such as exceeding a heat-stress temperature threshold. The event diagnosis allowed analysis of compound events, occurring when temperature and drought objects overlap.
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Why is it important?
Identified objects yielded events that can undermine agricultural productivity and which are thus relevant to decision makers, making them building blocks for possible climate storylines. The information yielded projected changes in these agriculturally motivated events. One prominent conditional behavior emerging from the work was that a heat-stress event should be a warning to watch for potential drought, as both could compound each other to more intense levels.
This work could provide a basis for probabilistic storylines.
Professor William J. Gutowski
Iowa State University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Object-oriented analysis as a foundation for building climate storylines of compounding short-term drought and crop heat stress, Frontiers in Climate, May 2024, Frontiers,
DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1357391.
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