What is it about?

This qualitative study explores the experiences of Indonesian nurses living and working in Kuwait. Through interviews with 21 participants, five themes emerged: career advancement, cultural immersion, religious benefits, language barriers, and coping with homesickness. The findings suggest that while working in Kuwait offers economic benefits and cultural immersion, nurses may face challenges such as language barriers and homesickness.

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Why is it important?

This research sheds light on the experiences of Indonesian nurses working in Kuwait, a topic that has received little attention in previous studies. With Indonesia being a significant source of healthcare professionals for international markets, understanding the experiences of Indonesian nurses in Kuwait contributes to broader discussions on global healthcare migration and workforce dynamics. Moreover, as the demand for healthcare professionals continues to grow globally, insights from this study can inform policies and interventions aimed at supporting migrant nurses' well-being and professional development.


As someone interested in healthcare workforce dynamics and migration, this study's focus on Indonesian nurses in Kuwait provides valuable insights into the experiences and challenges faced by migrant healthcare professionals. It underscores the importance of considering the unique needs and perspectives of nurses working abroad, particularly in culturally and linguistically diverse settings like Kuwait. By highlighting the economic opportunities, cultural immersion, and challenges such as language barriers and homesickness, this study contributes to a more nuanced understanding of international healthcare migration. I believe that recognizing and addressing the needs of migrant nurses is essential for promoting their well-being and ensuring the provision of high-quality healthcare services worldwide.

Mr Ferry Efendi
Universitas Airlangga

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The lived experience of Indonesian nurses in Kuwait: A phenomenological study, Kontakt, December 2020, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences,
DOI: 10.32725/kont.2020.040.
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