What is it about?

We looked at how the number and experience of healthcare staff in maternity units of hospitals in Indonesia affected the health of mothers during childbirth. We found that having more nurses and experienced midwives in these units reduced the chances of serious health problems for mothers. But having more midwives without as much experience increased the chances of problems. This shows that the skills and experience of healthcare workers are really important for the safety of mothers giving birth. This research could help hospitals make better decisions about how to staff their maternity units to keep mothers safe.

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Why is it important?

Our research is unique because it specifically focuses on the staffing of maternity units in Indonesian hospitals and its impact on the health of mothers during childbirth. This is a timely issue as maternal health is a critical concern globally, and understanding the role of healthcare staffing in improving maternal outcomes is crucial. The findings shed light on the importance of having skilled and experienced healthcare professionals in maternity units to ensure the safety of mothers. This research can have a significant impact on healthcare policies and practices, guiding hospitals and policymakers to make informed decisions about staffing levels and expertise in maternity units. The potential to enhance maternal healthcare and reduce severe outcomes makes this study relevant and important for anyone interested in maternal health and healthcare quality.


Personally, I believe this research has the potential to drive positive changes in healthcare practices and policies. By emphasizing the link between staffing and maternal outcomes, it encourages a focus on quality care and patient safety. I hope that this publication will contribute to informed decision-making by healthcare institutions and policymakers, ultimately leading to improved maternal health outcomes in Indonesia and beyond.

Mr Ferry Efendi
Universitas Airlangga

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Staffing characteristics and their associations with the severe maternal outcomes at Indonesian tertiary hospitals, Kontakt, February 2020, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice - Faculty of Health and Social Sciences,
DOI: 10.32725/kont.2020.007.
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